- Address: 322 East Illinois Street, Chicago, IL
- Telephone: 312.332.FILM
- Website: http://www.chicagofilmfestival.com/
- Date: October 13-27, 2016
- Event Details: http://www.chicagofilmfestival.com/festival/tickets/
52nd Chicago International Film Festival – Amerika Square by Greek Filmmaker Yannis Sakaridis
Attend one of three screenings of Amerika Square by Greek filmmaker Yannis Sakaridis at the Chicago International Film Festival. Sakaridis is scheduled to attend the October 23rd screening. Click here for showtimes and ticket purchase.
An unemployed, disgruntled Greek nationalist in Athens has his world turned upside-down when his apartment building and beloved city park become a home and resting stop for migrants in transit across Europe. There, refugees searching for a new life must navigate the seedier elements of Greek society to survive. Mixing a kinetic visual style with ripped-from-the-headlines storytelling, Amerika Square is an unflinching look at the mass migration economy–where, “borders are business.” Original title: Plateia Amerikis.
Find out more about the Chicago Film Festival.
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