Getting to know the Chicago Greektown Educational Foundation
We are excited to bring you a series of introductions to organizations making a difference in the Greektown neighborhood! First up is the Chicago Greektown Educational Foundation.
The Chicago Greektown Educational Foundation (CGEF) is a nonprofit organization with a mission to support Greek language education and cultural initiatives throughout Chicagoland. We are thankful for everything this Greektown organization is doing to support Greek American youth and keep the Greek language alive in our community.
Celebrate this Greektown gem by joining them for their upcoming event, An Evening on the River on Thursday, September 30 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. This cocktail party and fundraiser will be hosted at River Roast Restaurant and will include appetizers, refreshments and music by DJ Yanni. To RSVP and for more information, visit www.greektowneducation.com.
Beyond next month’s event, CGEF offers a variety of ongoing programming that supports their primary role to ensure that future generations can learn the Greek language and culture. Their Greek Classroom Technology Program provides the latest technology and a digital curriculum that inspires teachers to use new tools to make learning fun and effective for students. CGEF’s Scholarship Program awards annual scholarships to Greek school students throughout Chicago to help with the costs of their education. These incredible programs are making a BIG difference in Greektown and throughout the city and region.
The Chicago Greektown Educational Foundation also works with Greektown SSA #16 on the annual art installations that line the streets of our beloved neighborhood. As part of the 2021 Hello Helios! art installation, CGEF provided sculptures to seven Greek schools and assisted with materials for painting. Teachers, parents and students love coming to Greektown to see the annual works created by their schools! CGEF also helps organize an annual Christmas carol (kalanta) event in Greektown, whereby Greek school students and their families travel to the various Greektown establishments and sing traditional carols, which is a major custom in Greece.