Greektown featured on WTTW’s Chicago Tonight
TV segment showcases the spirit of our neighborhood.
As we celebrate the 200th anniversary of Greek Independence Day this month, Greektown is coming together to show our spirit and perseverance in the face of the pandemic. Many restaurants and businesses in our neighborhood have been a part of the fabric of Greektown for decades: Athenian Candle has been around for a century, and Greek Islands is celebrating its 50th anniversary this month, naming just two examples.
Recently business owners from Athena Restaurant, Artopolis Bakery, Cafe and Agora, Spectrum Bar & Grill, and the National Hellenic Museum shared their views on Greektown and their hopes for the future.
Watch the segment on WTTW’s Chicago Tonight program here: https://news.wttw.com/2021/02/25/chicago-tonight-your-neighborhood-greektown