Greektown tree lighting event December 12
Looking for a festive event to get you in the holiday spirit? Join us for Greektown’s annual tree-lighting ceremony with hot chocolate and caroling!
The tree-lighting event will be held on Sunday, December 12 from 3-4 p.m. at Elysian Field (southeast corner of Halsted & Van Buren Streets) with complimentary hot chocolate and sweets. As the tree is illuminated, students from Chicagoland Greek schools will sing traditional Greek Christmas carols (kalanta) and additional Greek and American holiday tunes will be played by DJ Yianni.
Afterwards, shop and dine at local Greektown businesses to qualify for a $50 rebate with our Holiday Shopper’s Reward program.
The holiday tree-lighting event is sponsored by Greektown SSA #16 with additional support from the Greektown Chamber of Commerce and nonprofit Chicago Greektown Educational Foundation.