Merchant Spotlight: Walgreens In Greektown
Located at the southeast corner of Halsted and Monroe Streets, the Greektown Walgreens (111 S. Halsted St.) is the brand’s three thousandth store opened in the U.S. As a convenient staple in the neighborhood that’s open 24 hours, Walgreens is a one-stop shop for pharmacy, photo and health & wellness products. Whether you’re fighting off sickness, stocking up on snacks for game days, or creating memories by developing photos, Walgreens is the place to go. Trusted since 1901, Walgreens is the champion of health and well-being in every community in America.
Learn more about how Walgreens is responding to COVID-19 to keep the Greektown Chicago neighborhood safe and healthy here. You can also follow them on social media @Walgreens for the latest store news and updates.
Photo credit: UJAMAA Construction