More art in Greektown this summer

In addition to our Little Wise Owls, Greektown is excited to showcase two additional pieces of public art. For over 20 years, Chicago Sculpture Exhibit (CSE) has been bringing art to Chicago’s neighborhoods. And, Greektown Chicago is thrilled to engage our community in this experience. This June, 2024 brings us to showcase the public sculptures of two outstanding artists: Hilde DeBruyne and Michael Angelo Magnotta. Read about these artists below and be amazed by their respective artworks on a walk through Greektown.

Sculpture Title:  Tree of Life

Artist: Hilde DeBruyne

Placement:  Elysian Field (Halsted St & Van Buren St, SE corner)

Hilde DeBruyne is a Belgian-American artist living and working in rural Iowa. She is a sculptor and designer creating timeless works of beauty in clay, metal and bronze. DeBruyne’s work has been exhibited internationally and is included in both public and private collections. DeBruyne studied Art History and Archeology at the University of Ghent, however, she was exposed to art at a much earlier age. She often centers her work around a certain theme and explores this idea throughout a series of pieces.

“I have always had a deep connection with trees,” DeBruyne explained. “Their growth and decay, their presence and shape in the landscape, their resilience, and their changes throughout the seasons, is really fascinating to me.” DeBruyne uses mild steel, Corten steel, stainless or aluminum and usually enriches the work with the use of bold, attractive colors.

“The tree of life is a theme that captivates me. It is a fundamental archetype in many mythologiesreligions, and philosophical traditions. It represents the interconnected nature of all things in the universe. It represents growth and the circle of life, death and rebirth.

By honoring and preserving our bond with trees, we can cultivate a deeper sense of harmony and balance in our lives.”

Sculpture Title:  Copper Moon

Artist: Michael Angelo Magnotta

Placement:  Halsted St & Jackson St (NE corner)

Michael Angelo Magnotta, 76, grew up in the Midwest (MI) in a large Italian-Irish family. His great-grandfather Fischetti was a metal artist in Italy. A graduate of Michigan State University, Michael did postgraduate work and was employed in Detroit during the ’70’s, appreciating its industrial tenor and multifaceted socio-economic milieu. “As a sculptor, privileged to have my work in the public sphere, I feel a responsibility to engage the viewer and provide a positive visual presence to the community,” Magnotta said.

In 1987, Michael moved to San Diego, CA and developed a love for the multicultural area, the ocean, freedom, and wonders of southern California. Here he undertook the study of architecture at the New School of Architecture, rehabbing homes along with his studies, while employed with the Federal Court. Retired from court work in 2007, Michael has been working as a metal sculptor since that time, bringing a synthesis of his photographic, architectural, and welding skills to bear on this art form.

“In a transition from architecture to sculpture, I found expression in creating art from industrial remnants and cast-offs. With inspiration from the masters of the genre, my work arises from my experiences and things I love – jazz, space, nature, mankind and beauty in all its manifestations.”

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