Thank you for attending our Greektown Holiday tree-lighting
Kαλά Χριστούγεννα! Merry Christmas! Our tree-lighting was an illuminated success and was even aired on NBC Chicago. So many folks came out to celebrate with us and to visit our neighborhood, decked out in festive decorations that light up Halsted Street!
Greektown’s Annual Holiday Tree-Lighting Ceremony was held on Sunday, December 11 at 4 p.m. at Elysian Field. As the tree is illuminated, students from Chicagoland Greek schools sang traditional Greek Christmas carols (kalanda).
We want to extend a huge thank you to Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White, Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas, 27th Ward Alderman Walter Burnett Jr, Commissioner to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Mariyana Spyropoulos, and Consul Georgia Tasiopoulou of Consulate of Greece Chicago for attending. A huge shoutout to the Greektown SSA #16 Commissioners, especially Chairman Frank Caputo and First Vice-Chairperson Eve Moran, and our Co-Sponsors which include the Chicago Greektown Chamber of Commerce, the Chicago Greektown Educational Foundation, and the National Hellenic Museum.
Another special thanks to the dozens of Chicagoland Greek school students and families from across the city who contributed to the beautiful celebration.
See you all for next year’s tree-lighting! And if you haven’t already, come check out the blue and white lights of Halsted Street, the holiday tree at Elysian Field and the many festive karavakia boats displayed around the neighborhood for the holidays.